Nical R. Preston Date of birth October 20, 1977 Date of death January 30, 2018 Nical Preston passed Born with a heart defect, he died of heart failure. Nical was born and lived in Molalla until his freshman year, when he moved to Oregon City. His sister, Rainbow preceded him in death in 2001. He is survived by his eight year old son, Tristan; parents, Richard and Debbi Preston; sister, Meliah Wilkinson; numerous nieces and nephews; and a very dear close friend, Megan Dille. A Celebration of Life will be held on Feb. 24, 2018 at 1 p.m., at the Canby Adult Center, 1250 S. Ivy, Canby, OR. Please bring your stories and favorite dish to share with all his friends and family.