Whooping it up in Molalla:

Come Celebrate Molalla High School’s

90th Birthday Bash, Sat. April 23, 2005

Schedule of Events:

Saturday April 23, 2005

(Registration required by April 12, 2005)

9:30-2:00 Registration for Cruise-In St James field/Gymnasium parking lot

10:30-12:30 General Registration and High School and Swim Center Tours

11:00-2:00 Hospitality and Historic Displays Capasso Court

12:00-1:30 Luncheon in the High School Commons

2:15-3:00 Program in Molalla Civic Auditorium

1:00-4:00 Tea & Birthday Cake sponsored by the Molalla Historical Society at Dibble House and Ivor Davies Hall Free shuttle every half hour from the high school

6:30-11:00 Wine Tasting and Dance at the St. James Parish Hall.  (Must by 21 years old to attend.)


We will have hospitality rooms for various class groups and encourage everyone to bring various items:  pictures, newspaper articles, posters, programs, etc.  There will be tables in the gymnasium and at Ivor Davies Hall for display and those places will be staffed during the reunion.  Any items or copies you wish to donate would be appreciated by the Molalla Historical Society. 

Tea and Cake at Ivor Davies Hall

The Molalla Historical Society invites you to stop by to see Ivor Davies Hall constructed using artifacts from the old high school building destroyed by the earthquake.  Among the exhibits will be memorabilia of school days through the years.


They will be serving birthday cake and tea.




Indian Cruise-In

St James Field/Gymnasium

Parking Lot 10:00-2:00


Bring your vintage cars and specialty vehicles to put on display as part of the day’s festivities.

Dash plaques available for a nominal fee.  Questions?  Call Dick Reasoner, 503-829–2502.



Molalla Alumni

Scholarship Fund

 Please consider making a donation to the Scholarship Fund.  The committee has awarded as many as seven $1,000 scholarships each year and maintains $50,000 in reserve.  This is all due to you, caring alumni and friends, who value education and want to do your part to make sure deserving students get the help they need.


Contratulations Alumni!!! 


Please click here for a print ready registration form.

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Molalla High School 90th Birthday Bash—April 23, 2005

Please return your Registration by April 12, 2005 (Pre-registration required)

Name(s) ______________________________________________ Class Year(s) ________

        ______________________________________________ Class Year(s) ________

Address __________________________________________________________________

               (street)                (city)               (st)     (zip)

Phone (     ) ______________  Email _______________________________________

Luncheon                                  $15.00 ea    x # ________ = $ _______

Afternoon Tea Ivor Davies Hall                 N/C     x # ________ =     0.00

Wine tasting and Dance (must be 21)       $15.00 ea    x # ________ = $ _______

Cruise-in Reg. Fee                         $5.00 ea    x # ________ = $ _______

         (waived if attending lunch or dance)

Donation to the Scholarship Fund                                      $ _______

                                                        TOTAL         $ _______

Make check payable to Molalla Alumni Association and mail with this form to:

Molalla Alumni Association

P. O. Box 454

Molalla, OR  97038

Questions:  call Dori at (503)829-7488  www.molalla-alumni.org

 or e-mail at:  E-Mail Alumni Information

If you are bringing a vehicle to the Cruise-IN:

Year of Vehicle______ Make __________________  Model ____________________



First Graduation 1915: 13 Graduate





Union H. S. District formed


1926 New High School Opens


1948 -50 New Gymnasium & Annex Opens


1958 New addition connecting to gym opens


1978 - Starter High School  on Frances Street & PE facility built


1988 - Gym burns


1990 - New gym opens on Frances St.


1992 - Molalla River School District created from the union high school and the feeder elementary schools


1993 - Spring Break Earthquake


1996 - New High School campus completed


1998 - The old 1925 building demolished

Swim Center Dedicated 2004